I was given this machine a few years back now, the summer before uni started back in 2010, when I was working at Spotlight. A kind old man bought in the machine and had no use for it anymore, and wanted it to go to good use, so my manager handed it to me.
I can tell it was a much loved machine, everything is immaculate, the little tool box with the spare rubber belt, the different presser feet all have their own labels, the manual in one piece, the pages united again with yellowed sticky tape.
I love objects with a history, it has so much charm.
After a little bit of oiling, it runs like a dream, with that sweet smell of a old machine, squeaking every now and then.
It has a pretty grand motor, so its straight stitch is super consistent! perfect for sewing curtains.
My older sister Jenny needed some curtains made for her mission house out in Western Australia, so she bought some fabric yesterday, and today Mum, Jen and I had a curtain working bee.
This gem got put to very good use today...six curtains later it was very talkative, squeaking like a mouse..time for some more oil I think!
I felt like I was back in the 50s stitching hems on blue checks and red striped cotton =]
I love all its little switches, sewing machines were made so sturdy back in the day!
Thankyou to that lovely man who gifted it to me all those seasons ago, I'm so tickled that I get to use it.
It's a pretty darn fabulous machine.